International Society for Gesture Studies
Founded in 2002, the International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS) is the only international scholarly association devoted to the study of gesture.
The ISGS promotes gesture studies worldwide and facilitates dialogue among researchers, professionals, and the interested public across disciplinary and institutional boundaries.
Our society meets every two years in alternating places. The last conference took place on the African continent. Past conferences have taken place in north America or Europe. Our international conferences have grown over the past years and now welcome up to 300 gesture researchers working in diverse academic and creative disciplines. Our society offers support to graduate students and young researchers as well as scholars from under-resourced universities/countries to attend the conferences.
The society publishes the journal “gesture” and the book series “gesture studies”. Both publications promote gesture research from diverse disciplines.
Join us for the 10th International Society for Gesture Studies Conference!
9-11 July 2025, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with leading scholars and researchers from the field! Register now!
Gesture Centers around the World
Gesture research spreads around the world and research centers and gesture groups are located in different continents. With particular research foci, the centers and groups advance the study of gestures in different fields and by following different methodological and theoretical approaches. The centers and groups push forward the study of gestures in their respective fields and promote gesture research outside of academia through lecture series, workshops and other public events.
Gesture Research in the news
Research from members of our societies is often featured in the press. Media coverage helps us to promote gesture studies worldwide, across disciplinary institutional boundaries and facilitate dialogue among researchers, professionals and the interested public. The selection of featured articles gives you an insight into the diverse range of gesture research and its relevance for the public.
Become a member and join our growing community of international gesture scholars! Membership in the society is for two years, starting from the date your registration is completed. It includes access to all three online issues of the journal gesture for the year you become a member and the following year. Student members can choose whether or not they subscribe to the journal.
ISGS Mailinglist
For information and news on the society and gestures studies you can join our mailing list. Sign up to stay informed about news and activities of the society, latest news on publications, conferences, and workshops.
The list is open to anyone interested. You can post announcements of gesture events or publications as well as request to the gesture community (send and email to isgs at gesturestudies.com)
Get in touch.
You want to know more about our society, have questions about the membership, or are looking for a gesture expert close by? Write an email!